la vie du Web

The date

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Michael Marco cumule plusieurs handicaps. tout d’abord il est de mes amis, de plus il est français et vie au Texas. Pour contrebalancer tout ça, il a un atout certain, il aime le cinéma, il fait le réalisateur, c’est le cas pour American Generator ou pour l’excelent cour metrage DOA.

Mais il fait aussi l’acteur, comme dans ce mignon court metrage de Colby Allen ou il incarne l’homme dont les femmes rêvent cauchemardent toutes : the date.

Bref, tout çà pour dire que si un jeune réalisateur américain plein de talent cherche un jeune acteur prometeur, il faut absolument qu’il appelle mon copain

3 thoughts on “The date”

  1. lolobobo dit :

    Petit mail de Mickael ce matin, pour m’apprendre due DOA : A Coroner’s Fairy Tale est en ligne sur I-film

  2. Yes the Date is on line…it was a lot of fun to make. I really enjoyed working with everyone and can’t wait to do it again….so, Colby what are you waiting for man? call me! The Date is now available as you already know on, but also on and on So if you enjoy The Date go to those sites it’s free to register and takes about five minutes…then you’ll be able to vote for it, give it a few stars and even write a review about it and just watch it over and over and over……just like my other short film that we like to call our cult-classic-demented-love-story: "DOA: A Coroner’s Fairy Tale", also available on these sites…there are a lot of good short films out there…so please support independent filmmakers by going to those sites and supporting their work….they really really would appreciate it. Thank you very much and happy watching.

  3. colby allen dit :

    i can’t really say that i am french, but that hasn’t stopped me from trying. i think the success of this film has very little to do with me, and everything to do with michael and dee (maybe a little alcohol). i had to hold my breath most of the shoot, not wanting to laugh over the takes and i can’t say i was successful at all times. this really was the best time i’ve ever had making a movie, and probably one of the best times i’ve had making anything. i hope everyone enjoys watching it (and watches it again) as much as i enjoyed making it.

    oh, and michael, i’m ready to start as soon as you are. what should it be? horror? road movie? something in french?

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